Services CPQ

Services quotes that win more business

Create accurate estimates that are both competitive and profitable—helping you win more business, start projects faster, and run a connected services operation.

Gain visibility across your entire business with a customer-centric PSA

See the impact Certinia PS Cloud could have on your business

Services CPQ Native to Salesforce

“With the addition of Certinia’s Services CPQ for sales processes, we expect to reduce our scoping steps by 84% and review and approval steps by 72%. This will allow us to significantly reduce manual work and accelerate deal closures and revenue recognition.”

Mark Conklin
Senior Director, Operations, Salesforce

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Estimating engine

Drive profit through resourcing

Strike the perfect balance of costs, revenue, and margins to produce winning estimates and achieve your profitability targets. Model changes to your resources—roles, seniority, partners—as well as prices, discounts, and expenses.

Knowledge base

Leverage best practices

Create faster, higher-quality estimates by using best-practice templates and previous estimates. Produce repeatable, efficient estimates that fully leverage your business knowledge.

Seamless processes

Gain speed and accuracy

Automated estimating, without errors or time delays. Apply critical data automatically without duplication for cleaner, fully connected data. Create projects instantaneously from successful bids.

Built-in planning

Matching capacity and demand

Ensure that you have the delivery capacity to successfully complete the work. Prepare your service delivery teams for future demands with proactive resource planning.


Be consistent, stay compliant

By managing approvals, you can ensure compliance with business rules and targets. Apply financial limits and tolerances for rapid decision making, and ensure traceability of every step.

Guided scoping

Scope for success

Scope work accurately and consistently with predefined question sets per services product. Democratize the scoping process and power sales to speed estimate delivery, elevating the customer experience and business success.

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Continuous improvement

Optimize CX, achieve margins

Understanding “bid versus did” creates continuous improvement, where your services offerings are continually updated to optimize customer experience and achieve target margins.

Time to value

Speed time to value

When you perform resourcing at the Opportunity phase, you give your delivery team early resource visibility to accelerate time to staff, to kickoff, to go-live…and to value.