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How good data becomes great AI: The Pragmatic AI model

Joe ThomasThis article is written by Joe Thomas, Solutions Marketing Director at Certinia. His goal is to help organizations understand the “how and why” cloud-based technology can help them run a most intelligent, agile, and connected business. Get his insights here on why clean, structured data is a must to run effective AI.

Fact: Any effective AI solution is only as successful as the veracity of its data. Bad data, bad AI. Good data, well, you get it, right? Accurate AI predictions require clean, well organized data.

Now, it’s no secret that today’s service businesses are salivating over the potential of AI and the powerful predictive analytics it can deliver. But many overlook the importance of having clean, structured data behind the curtain. 

That’s one reason Certinia has long been obsessed with data accuracy, integrity, and security. We’ve spent years preparing data sets and doing data science work for service organizations, ensuring that they have good, clean data before fully adopting AI. The structured data sets we provide help businesses organize their data effectively, making their AI solutions more accurate and meaningful. 

That preparation drives usable, deployable intelligence that sets service organizations on a path toward more mature AI usage, so they can make smarter decisions and do better strategic planning. This is what’s meant by our term “Pragmatic AI.” And Certinia’s Pragmatic AI Maturity Model is the structured framework for using AI to drive business success.

Actionable predictions, deployable intelligence

A critical aspect of the Pragmatic AI Maturity Model is the quality and organization of its data—especially relevant recently, as we’ve begun to focus on integrating data into the latest generative AI (GenAI) solutions. This empowers businesses to receive actionable predictions and recommendations and automate repetitive, manual service processes—making AI not just a tool for real insights, but a driver for real improvements in service delivery efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Indeed, Certinia’s AI solutions are designed to provide more than just predictions. They don’t merely forecast what will happen; they also explain why it’s happening and which actions a professional services organization can take to improve outcomes.

Because Pragmatic AI facilitates such powerful opportunies for process improvement, it shouldn’t be regarded as just a cool toy or the “new shiny”. Rather, it’s meant to be embedded it into everyday workflows and integrated directly into project management processes. By doing so, organizations can receive real-time recommendations without having to switch tools or platforms. This seamless integration enhances user adoption and ensures that AI insights are utilized effectively.

Real-world use cases

Pragmatic AI is already finding multiple use cases across service businesses. One significant area: project margin analysis. By understanding the factors that impact project margins—such as the performance of project managers or the influence of different geographies and industries—businesses can make informed decisions about where to best invest their limited resources.

Another popular use case is resource management. Pragmatic AI can predict how long it will take to staff up specific skills for a project. For services businesses, knowing staffing lead time for skills in high demand can translate to better capacity and resource planning, ultimately boosting project outcomes and customer satisfaction.

Enhancing win rates

Pragmatic AI has the potential to enhance win rates. By analyzing factors such as discount ranges and project margins, it can provide precise insights into how different variables impact win rates, helping businesses optimize sales strategies. (For instance: Identifying  what is the optimal change rate of specific variables to enhance predicted win rates?) This capability is particularly valuable in competitive markets where small improvements can lead to significant gains.

To sum it up, Certinia’s Pragmatic AI in general, and our Maturity Model in particular, offer a comprehensive approach for businesses to successfully integrate AI. By focusing on actionable insights, seamless integration, and robust data management, professional service organizations can harness the full potential of AI to drive success and innovation.

Want to learn more about the topic? You can. Watch our 11-minute video, “ServicesTalk: A Technical Look At AI,” now. 

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