  • state of the services industry

    Q&A: The state of the services industry

  • PSO profit center

    How AI is helping professional services organizations become profit centers

  • Certinia won Silver Merit Award for Workforce Planning and Analytics

    2024 Merit Awards: Certinia PS Cloud shines with silver

  • Certinia CEO DJ Paoni and Jellyfish Senior Director Adam Hay

    Pragmatic AI in the real world: Q&A with early adopter Jellyfish

  • ERP spring 2024

    New in Spring 2024: 4 easy ways to boost accounting team productivity

  • Digital shield

    Worried about the economy? Here’s how leaders safeguard their businesses

  • spring release

    Certinia’s Spring 2024 Release boosts services businesses with AI-powered forecasting and productivity enhancements

  • key findings

    Four key findings from the SPI Research 2024 Professional Services Maturity™ Benchmark Report

  • Deb Ashton

    From biology to bytes: Certinia Co-founder Deb Ashton’s trailblazing tech journey

  • Colorful design representing customer loyalty

    Customer loyalty: Six practical steps to success

  • Busy consultants representing demand-side resourcing

    Mastering demand-side resourcing for services excellence

  • Your ERP should be on the salesforce platform

    Why you should run your ERP on the Salesforce Platform