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2024 Merit Awards: Certinia PS Cloud shines with silver

Michelle RodriguezThis article is written by Michelle Rodriguez, Product Marketing Specialist with Certinia. Her goal is to help services organizations run with more efficiency and certainty; and educate on why the right cloud solutions are so critical to making that happen. Read her blog on Certinia PS Cloud and its path to winning the silver Merit Award.

Did you know: nearly two-thirds of professional services organizations aren’t hitting a utilization rate above 70%? 

Utilization is a core measure of how much time is spent on billable work. Yet, our recent Global Service Dynamics Report found that 60% of organizations are still leveraging spreadsheets to measure and manage their resources — contributing to their lagging resource utilization rate.

This ultimately correlates to not making the profits they could (and should) be.

Certinia specializes in helping service-based businesses maximize the utilization of their resources. And that’s why I’m thrilled to announce that Certinia PS Cloud just won Silver in the 2024 Merit Awards for Workforce Planning and Analytics

This award reflects our commitment to helping professional services organizations optimize their workforce planning and drive better results.

One of the main reasons customers can achieve great resource utilization results with Certinia is our focus on demand-side resourcing instead of the old-school supply-side approach. With demand-side resourcing, you match your workforce to real-time customer needs — which means you’re not just filling seats, you’re making sure the right people are in the right seat at the right time. 

Our customers see the value. Demand-side resourcing leads to better project outcomes, happier customers, and more engaged employees. For example, customers using Certinia PS Cloud have seen substantial improvements in project efficiency and customer satisfaction. 

Richard Peers, CTO of Kubrick, a tech consultancy shares his thoughts on Certinia:

We chose Certinia to give us the platforms we need to maintain our accelerated growth. With one source of truth, we can now optimize our resource management, realize a faster month-end process, and experience swift timesheet and invoice approvals. At the same time we are transforming the way we work to make things better for our colleagues, consultants, and clients.

Or, take it from CRM and ERP consulting firm Ladd Partners who relies on the PS Cloud to track, and achieve, a top utilization rate. CEO, Jai-Lee Fontenot, said that the firm adopted Certinia’s platform because: “…my number one objective was to make sure we were at 85% utilization and to have the data to present to the rest of the executive team.” 

By accurately forecasting resource demand and optimizing resource allocation, our customers have reduced idle bench time and improved overall resource utilization. This means projects start faster and align better with client needs.

Moreover, our AI-driven forecasting capabilities help organizations anticipate future demand, ensuring they’re always prepared. This not only boosts efficiency but also increases employee satisfaction by aligning projects with individual skills and career aspirations.

In short, the demand-side resourcing approach enabled by Certinia PS Cloud helps you stop wasting time on inefficient processes and start making the most of your team’s talents. We’re proud to be recognized for our efforts and excited to continue helping our customers achieve services excellence.

Want to see it for yourself? Check out a demo here.

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