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FinancialForce4Good Spain: A look back at 2014 & our plans for 2015

For the Spanish team, as well as all of, Certinia4Good is an excellent opportunity to do something meaningful for the community. We all enjoy working together as a team, and Certinia4Good gives us all the opportunity to give back together.

During 2014, the Certinia Spain office was involved in four different projects:

1. Donating blood. This is one of our “typical” FF4Good activities. It only takes 20 minutes of your time (and yes, a puncture), but the impact of this is huge. People with leukemia or severe burns really depend on blood donations to stay alive.

2. Signalizing a path inside a natural park near Granada. We are fully conscious of the environment. Every year, the environment is always one of our main projects. This time we worked hard signalizing and conditioning a path inside one of the most beautiful areas close to Granada.

3. Recipes for the Down Syndrome Association in Granada. Our team developed 31 different recipes in a specific format so people with Down Syndrome can perfectly understand them. This is also very useful for increasing their self-sufficiency and self-esteem.

4. Collecting food for the Food Bank of Granada. This was an activity performed across all of Spain. For the whole country, 20,000 tons of food was collected.

Certinia4Good Spain
Collecting food for the Food Bank of Spain

The future

For 2015 we want not only want to maintain, but increase the level of commitment we have with FF4Good. We want to also start doing “cross activities.” This means that we would like to involve people from different areas in the same activity. For example, in one of our meetings to coordinate the activities, Jorge Castro, Lead UX Designer at, proposed we do an environmental activity with the Down Syndrome Association in Granada.

Therefore, at this moment, our projects for 2015 are:

January: Reforesting in the Sierra Nevada National Park. This was one of our first FF4Good activities in 2012. It is a pleasure that the NGO that worked with us at the time, is asking for us to continue this collaboration. We are also in contact with the Down Syndrome Association in Granada and are hoping that a group of their people will join us – this would be really great!

February/March: A classic one – blood donation.

May: Beach cleaning. Two years ago, we had already contacted the authorities to see if we could do this activity in some beaches close to Granada. Hopefully this is the year we’ll be able to clean the beaches!

November: Another classic one, the Big Collect for the Food Bank.

That’s all so far, but we continue thinking and working hard to give back to our community. Cheers to 2015!

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