• PSO profit center

    How AI is helping professional services organizations become profit centers

  • Profitable projects

    Three steps to profitable project delivery

  • Certinians celebrating Pride Month

    Certinia4Pride: Celebrating Love, Diversity, and Progress

  • Certinia won Silver Merit Award for Workforce Planning and Analytics

    2024 Merit Awards: Certinia PS Cloud shines with silver

  • Certinia CEO DJ Paoni and Jellyfish Senior Director Adam Hay

    Pragmatic AI in the real world: Q&A with early adopter Jellyfish

  • Connecting the dots for seamless services delivery

  • Raju Malhotra has joined Certinia as Chief Product & Technology Officer

    Certinia Welcomes New Chief Product & Technology Officer Raju Malhotra

  • ERP spring 2024

    New in Spring 2024: 4 easy ways to boost accounting team productivity

  • Customer success blog

    What keeps customer success leaders up at night – and how they can get some sleep

  • win-win with resource management

    New PS Cloud features: A win-win-win for resource management

  • Digital shield

    Worried about the economy? Here’s how leaders safeguard their businesses

  • Global Service Dynamic

    New Global Service Dynamics 2024 report reveals biggest challenges and opportunities for PSOs